Microdose THC Gummies with CBD – Peach Tea – 3mg+25mg

Delight in our Peach Tea-flavored vegan gummies, meticulously formulated with a microdose of 3mg THC and an added 25mg CBD for a balanced experience. These gummies merge the subtle art of microdosing THC with the complementary effects of CBD, making them perfect for those seeking a gentle introduction or a consistent dosage in their cannabinoid journey.


Exploring the Approach of Microdosing THC with Added CBD

Microdosing THC, with each gummy containing 3mg, offers a controlled way to experience the effects of THC, complemented by a more substantial dose of CBD at 25mg per gummy. This combination is designed for those interested in the nuanced benefits of cannabinoids without the intense effects often associated with higher doses of THC.

Peach Tea Flavor

Discover the sweet and refreshing Peach Tea flavored gummies, a perfect blend of Georgia Peaches and soothing tea notes. Designed for a sophisticated palate, this flavor offers a delightful escape into a world of exquisite taste. Enjoy the balance of fruity and earthy tones in every bite.

Highlights of This Approach:

  • Controlled THC Experience: The microdose of THC aims to provide a manageable, subtle effect. It’s ideal for individuals seeking to explore THC’s properties without the overwhelming sensations, facilitating a clear-headed experience throughout the day.
  • Enhanced with CBD: While the THC is microdosed, the inclusion of 25mg of CBD per gummy is intended to complement the THC. CBD is recognized for its calming properties and can round out the experience by potentially mitigating any unwanted effects of THC.
  • Suitable for Daily Use: This blend allows for easy integration into daily routines, offering a discreet way to utilize the cannabinoids for those who prefer a balanced, mild enhancement to their day.
  • Customizable and Flexible: Individuals can adjust their intake based on personal experience and desired outcomes. This method supports a personalized approach, helping users find their optimal balance between the subtle activation of THC and the calming effects of CBD.

How to Use Gummies

Step 1: Start Small – If you’re new to THC and CBD gummies, begin with half a gummy. Even though CBD is not microdosed, the combination with microdosed THC requires careful initial assessment.

Step 2: Wait and Observe – After consuming, wait at least 2 hours to fully experience the effects before considering an additional dose. This patience ensures you don’t overconsume before the gummies have taken effect.

Step 3: Adjust as Needed – Depending on your response, you may adjust the dose slightly. However, do not exceed the recommended serving without consulting a healthcare professional.

Important Considerations:

Approaching microdosing with an awareness of the distinct roles of THC and CBD in this formulation encourages a balanced perspective. The microdose of THC, complemented by a higher dose of CBD, is crafted for those looking to maintain functionality and equilibrium.

Guidance: Starting with a half or one gummy and observing the effects before adjusting the dose is recommended. Individual responses to THC and CBD can vary greatly, making personal experimentation key to finding the most effective and comfortable dosage.

Consultation Recommended: As with any regimen involving cannabinoids, consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable, especially for those with health conditions or those taking other medications. This ensures a safe and informed approach to incorporating microdosed THC and CBD into your wellness routine.


  • Age Restriction: Must be 21 years or older to use.
  •  Do not drive or operate heavy machinery after consumption.
  • Consult Healthcare Providers: Especially important for those pregnant, nursing, or with medical conditions.
  • Legal Responsibility: Check your local laws to ensure compliance with THC and CBD product regulations.

Possible Side Effects

While many enjoy the benefits of THC and CBD without issue, some may experience side effects, including:

  • Dry mouth or dehydration
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Changes in appetite
  • Mild discomfort
  • Delayed reaction times

If any side effects feel severe or don’t pass with time, seek medical advice promptly.

Extraction Material and Source

Our commitment to quality and safety is reflected in our careful selection of extraction materials and processes. We are proud to inform our customers that the THC in our gummies is derived exclusively from hemp, a practice that not only aligns with legal standards but also ensures a product of the highest purity and safety.

Hemp-Derived THC:

    • Sustainable and Legal Source: Our THC comes from hemp plants that are grown and processed under strict regulatory standards, ensuring that the final product is both sustainable and compliant with federal laws. Hemp-derived THC contains less than 0.3% THC by dry weight, which qualifies it as a legal agricultural product in many jurisdictions.
    • Purity and Quality: The hemp used for our THC extraction is selected for its high quality and cannabinoid richness. We employ state-of-the-art extraction techniques to isolate THC efficiently while preserving the integrity and potency of the cannabinoid.
    • Safety and Compliance: By focusing on hemp as our source, we ensure that our products meet legal compliance standards set forth by federal regulations. Our customers can trust in the legality and safety of our gummies for their wellness routines.


Q: How long do the gummies take to work? A: Effects can be felt within 30 minutes to 2 hours, varying by individual metabolism and body chemistry.

Q: Can I take the gummies daily? A: Yes, these gummies are designed for daily use, but it’s important to adhere to the suggested serving size and listen to your body’s response.

Q: Will these gummies affect drug tests? A: Yes, due to the THC content, these gummies can potentially trigger positive results on drug tests.

Q: How should I store the gummies? A: Keep them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to preserve their potency and prevent melting.

Q: Are there any long-term effects? A: Research on long-term use of THC and CBD is ongoing. It’s advised to use these products with mindfulness to your personal health and to consult with a healthcare provider regularly.

FDA Disclaimer:

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided is for general informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The safety and efficacy of this product have not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. Users are advised to consult with a healthcare professional before using any hemp-derived products, especially those who are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, or are taking medications.


20 Pack 540mg, 50 Pack 1400mg, 100 Pack 2800mg


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Microdose THC Gummies with CBD - Peach Tea - 3mg+25mg Microdose THC Gummies with CBD - Peach Tea - 3mg+25mg
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